
The Charlotte FC Homestay Program offers young players a unique opportunity to train and play with the Charlotte FC Academy. These committed athletes have been identified by Charlotte FC as individuals with the talent to develop as players within the Academy, with the ultimate goal of progressing their way to the first team.

The Experience

Sharing your home with a Charlotte FC Academy player will provide a unique and enriching opportunity for your entire family!

  • Experience the reward of helping a young athlete achieve his dreams
  • Support Charlotte FC by directly contributing to the future of the club’s player development
  • Deepen your connection with the Club and the entire Charlotte FC Community

The Benefits

  • Monthly stipend to help cover costs
  • 2 tickets per match Starting in August 2025

The Expectation

  • The family will welcome the player into their home and coordinate with the player’s family as needed to ensure a smooth transition. The player will have a room (can be shared) that includes a bed, sufficient storage space, an internet connection, smoke detector in or by the player’s bedroom, linens/blankets/pillows/towels, laundry facility with detergent, a bathroom with ample space for toiletries, and a place to do schoolwork.
  • ​Nutrition is a very important part of these young athletes’ life. The host family will provide balanced meals along with healthy snack options. Nutrition guidelines and support is offered to the host families by the Academy Performance Staff.
  • Transportation to and from school, practices, and the airport on travel weekends will be provided by the host family. Host families should expect players to practice at least four days a week, and to have games most weekends. (If the player has his own car, it is his responsibility for maintenance, gas and insurance). Note – you may still apply and be considered if you cannot provide full transportation.
  • The program is a 10-month commitment, which runs from August through June. Players will return home during winter, spring, and summer breaks.


If you are interested in applying to be a host family and receiving further information, please fill out the application form below: