Press Recaps

Guzmán Corujo: "I see a team that has an enormous ceiling"


SEATTLE – The loss against the Seatte Sounders was a tough pill to swallow for Charlotte FC. The team had the lead and looked primed to get a result in a notoriously difficult place to play in but just couldn’t hold on in the end. CLTFC defender Guzmán Corujo and captain on the night said the result was painful but also a sign of the team being on the right track. 

“It’s a feeling of bitterness and sadness, because we played a great game. We tried to remove the spaces because it’s a team that just recently won the CONCACAF Champions League, that are strong at home, with great players who know each other well. 

“But my feelings of bitterness and sadness are sort of contradictory because I also feel that we are on the right track. Many times, the final results don’t allow us to see the different aspects we were good in today. 

“We are a team that has just started, and it’s not an excuse, it’s the reality that we are still in the phase of getting to know each other, getting used to the league, many details that aren’t excuses but still have an effect. 

“Apart from the bitterness we feel that we had it, we scored the first goal, defended bravely, trying to keep them as far away from our goal, and it escaping us in the end... I think we are on the right track, but we have to correct these little details and use this as a learning opportunity.” 

Head coach Miguel Ramírez shares the same feelings that the team is on the right track and continuing to improve their performances away from home.  

“For me the main one is that we are transforming ourselves in a better team away. It’s the most important thing for me that we are able to compete and to deserve to get points.” 

“We are the on the way, we are on the way, and I’m nothing but being very proud of the work of the guys.” 

Up next for the Crown is a long break due to the international window, and Corujo sees it as an opportunity for the team to reenergize for everything yet to play for in the long rest of the season ahead. 

“Now comes some time to rest, to turn off the mind a bit, to rest the body and reenergize for what is left of the long season. I see a team that has an enormous ceiling. A team that is young with people who are hungry to grow, learn, and I think we are on the right track and have the right weapons.”